Beach View Attic currently offers Jewelry by the following Brands and Designers. To search by a specific Brand or Designer, simply type that name in the 'Search' box to bring up all the items offered within that group.
Items currently offered by:
1928, Art, Avon, Beach View Designs, Berebi, Best, Bogoff, BSK, Carolee, Cerritos, Chico's, Coldwater Creek, Corel, Coro, Danecraft, Emmons, Fran Mar LTD, Gerry's, Graziano, J Crew, JJ, Joan Rivers, Kate Hines, Kenneth Cole, Kunio Matsumoto, Lady Remington, Liz Claiborne, Liz Paiacios, MOD, Monet, Napier, Park Lane, Richelieu, Risher, Roland, Roman, Saks Fifth Avenue, Sandra David, Sarah Coventry, Soho Designs, Sperry, Tammey Jewels, Tara, Trifari, Weiss, WLind